martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Democracy in Venezuela?

The next is the text of a Letter I write to some diplomatic representatives on 18.02.2014: Estimados senores de los organismos diplomaticos, honorables representantes: En el caso de Venezuela, se ve como paulatinamente se han venido desarrollando una serie de eventos relacionados al cercenamiento de la libertad democratica. El primer punto a considerar es: Venezuela se encuentra en un hemisferio del planeta en donde el mayor pais influyente es Estados Unidos. El segundo punto es: Venezuela es un pais cuyo gobierno fue elegido por la voluntad popular. Todas sus acciones estan basados bajo un conjunto de leyes que juntas se llaman Constitucion. El asunto cuestionable es: ¿Sí Estados Unidos es la primera potencia militar en el continente americano y la democracia de mayor poder con mecanismos de inteligencia e información suficiente? ¿Porque no ha tenido una manifestación fuerte y contundente por el respeto a la democracia y los valores que representan en el continente? Cuando la pluraridad en una nación es atropellada porque no obedece al interes particular de un sector, el presidente Obama sabe que no necesariamente eso se llama democracia. ¿O es que ahora en el Continente Americano Los Estados Unidos tambien son una nacion (junto con otros) dispuestos a demostrar que la OEA no sirve de nada, sino solo para reunirse y pasarla bien. Si en los Estados Unidos hay 4 muertos hay un escandalo en las noticias a nivel nacional con consecuencias fuertes que ponen en juego la fortaleza democratica, en Venezuela hay mas de cien muertos en promedio cada semana, funcionarios de otras naciones no precisamente democraticas estan alli metidos diciendole a una nacion que hacer y esa nacion se ha ido al foso, casi todos sus alimentos son importados. Lamentablemente su democracia ya no es viable, democracia no es solo poder manifestar el voto libremente, sino tener garantizada la seguridad personal y alimentaria, libertad de pensamiento, movimiento y acceso a la información. Debe existir algun mecanismo para detener el asesinato (asesinato de la democracia, ademas de todas las personas que han muerto) que viene occurriendo en Venezuela para instaurar alli un regimen que no tiene nada que ver con las libertades democraticas. Entonces Estados Unidos ¿Que espera?. Espera una reunion en la OEA o en la ONU, a que haya consenso mientras mueren miles de personas con las armas y las tecnologias que los paises mas avanzados del mundo han aportado, sin consenso en la OEA y la ONU? Hoy (18.02.2014) es un día crítico en Venezuela y a partir de ahora el tiempo corre asi escenarios no agradables. Dos sectores de una nacion salen a la calle con una cara de paz que no es real. Ayer llame a ..... no pude hablar con ....., el dia que pude hablar con telefono decia "restringido" (restricted). ...... les pido tomar en cuenta esta información y actuar en consecuencia buscando soluciones a nuevos tipos de escenarios que estan por venir en Venezuela en el mundo diplomatico. Hoy es Venezuela manana puede ser otra nacion en Suramerica. Regards, J. Mussett Information Analyst

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

New stage of the recession ... to modern.

Oil prices have fallen and it was months ago that once prices rebound worldwide have become suffering expectations.
In one of the last deliveries mention that the price of oil is used as a weapon, the only thing that is a bit hard to determine who is benefiting from this weapon, often tend to think that the big beneficiary of the weapons is the user and lamentablamente not so well, the big beneficiary is the one that handles the business, the business of energy or weapons or any other resource, not the holder of the resource.
For example, the dynamics in the Middle East with respect to weapons from around China via Russia and the United States, as nations, but the business groups that exist in those regions or countries. The dynamics of arms sales, for instance, terrorist groups of the Middle East are littered with weapons from Russia, China and Iran. In the past, Iraq has received a significant amount of weapons, of course in terms of business and non-strategic and political support from Russia, only to realize that at the time when Iraq attacked Kuwait, and the intervention of NATO and the UN in the Middle East who shirks his first political support to Iraq is Russia. Iraq is history, we have similar situations with other terrorist groups in the region without the political support and strategic who heavily armed.
Venezuela remains the same steps in Iraq, bought billions of dollars in arms to the Russians and the Russians have taken the same attitude in regard to geopolitics in South America, not in their interest to support Venezuela because that is not its geostrategic impact region only interested in business, period.
Looking in detail, the oil price has collapsed and every time there is a conflict tends to rise. You need only ask those who are concerned and we will know who are the protagonists of actions designed to meet financial expectations.
So understand the illogical in the region. Palestine has a government with a representative government (president) that is definitely not Hamas but the support and demonstrations are not directed towards the Palestinian government official but did Hamas. Who supports ... We also proposed to reduce or block the supply of oil to Israel. Who proposed ... And from there to answer these questions that we will know who are trying to raise the price of oil in the current circumstances.
Hence we understand as an energy resource can be used as a weapon to support political and economic interests of a mercenary and not really as an energy resource heritage of humanity and relating to their welfare and existence ... So we are in the new stage of the recession ... to modern.

domingo, 13 de julio de 2008

JM Strategical Analysis

Strategic Analysis

Let’s see a little, prices of oil have been growing at a level unprecedented in history, prices of oil are a basic component in the factor of the cost of industrial processes, in transport, etc. Obviously will happen that economies based on this item will be affected, as seen in the case of Spain where has already been made visible effect of the rise in oil prices.

The level of current price of oil is a trigger for the economies of the world, creating fortress extreme in some sectors and extreme weakness in others, which gives equal say, marked imbalances in the global economy and a wave speculative growing. This is what allows us to see the strategic analysis. Welcome to this blog where we constantly evaluating global stability based on the political and economic variables at the time.

Every two weeks I will be updated this blog and we will then watching the events developments